Khateeb Contest




Khateeb Contest Guidelines

  • The khutbah has to be between 10 and 15 minutes long;
  • Contestants choose the topic;
  • The objective of the khutbah must convey a naseehah (advice);
  • خطبة الحاجة must be in Arabic;
  • The Khutbah must contain 2 ayahs and 2 hadith. Contestants must be able to present them in Arabic and in English.


Assessment Criteria

  1. Use of time: How well was the allocated time used to convey the topic and khutbah requirements?
  2. Body language: Did the presenter’s body language display confidence and develop a connection with the audience? Did the presenter maintain eye contact with the audience?
  3. Volume and Clarity: Was the khutbah audible and presented in a clear, confident tone? Did the presenter make use of varied tones to better convey the content?
  4. Flow and Organization: Was the material presented in a logical and meaningful way? Did the presenter make use of literary devices like storytelling or relatable examples?

Event Details

Date: March 19, 2023

Venue: MAC Maple Grove School
